2024年1月25日 星期四

[Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes] Late-night Snack

English ver. of [聖火降魔錄無雙風花雪月|謝茲 & 拉魯瓦] 宵夜

* Not native speaker, so there might be a lot of mistakes ; ;
* Shez & Arval

  When Shez woke up from dream, he feels strong hunger.
  Not knowing whether it's due to heavy training in the afternoon, or that dream about his old days as a mercenary. At that time, he can get enough food to meet basic need, but the long-lasting hunger, always biting his stomach, especially when he saw those children playing on the streets. The teeth of hunger would bite every inch of his body, from belly to throat. This never fulfilled desire slowly fading after he became student of Officer's Academy, but sometimes, the aching caused by those teeth just flash back.

  But it's not a good time for eating, so he just finish the half cup of water on side table, laying back, trying to persuade himself go back to sleep.
  "Why don't you grab something to eat?" A voice suddenly break into his brain, let Shez tremble a little. He turns around, seeing Arval with a smile.
  "You appear just to say this?" Shez can't help speaking out.
        "Because you can't sleep well when you are hungry," Arval counting all consequences with his fingers. "Which will make you distracted tomorrow, and there's a battle class await." Arval sighs, "We're 'partners in destiny', so your safety is a live or dead issue to me too."
  The logic seems perfect if don't think twice, and Shez believe not eating late-night snack is better for health. But the grumbling of his stomach stops him point out this fact, and make Arval's smile bigger.
  Shez wakes up again, now with Arval floating aside.
  They sneak into the kitchen (only Shez, cause Arval, now try to mention all kinds of cuisine, is invisible to others), and switch on the light. There's half of trout left from dinner and some vegetables. Shez rolls up the sleeves, and put what he need in a big bowl.
  "What are you going to make?" Arval put his head beside Shez's shoulder, watching him dealing with scales, then chopping trout into pieces.
  "Wanna drink some soup." Shez cleans his hand.
  He had onion soup grante for dinner. The crunchy cheese on top smells amazing, but when digging open the yellow cheese surface, stronger flavor ran into his nose. The onions was cooked long enough to melt into the white soup of trouts, and swallowing the fish soaked in rich flavor, made his stomach all warmed up.

  But Shez prefers easier dish now.
  He put onions in a pot, use oil to stir-fry (Arval: it smells so good), and grab some chickpea, soaked in water for tomorrow's meals, then putting peas with trout inside the pot, with water cover over all the ingredients. The last step is putting lid on the pot, and turn down the fire to make it slowly cooked.
  "Aren't you hungry?" Arval asks, since this soup seems need some time to finish. Shez shows the bread he found from basket, cut in half, put lots of lettuce, onions slices, and Airmid Pike in between.  Shez takes a big bite of just-made sandwich, fresh vegetable match perfectly with pickled fish's slightly sourness, makes him sigh with satisfaction.

  "I want to eat too!" Arval complains. Although they both know it's not possible for Arval, a so-called "consciousness", Shez still put the sandwich near Arval's nose, lead to serial of muffled murmurs — from how inconsiderate Shez is to numerous times Shez made himself black and blue all over. Shez praises Arval's good memory with all his heart.  
  "We're 'partners in destiny', so it's no difference whether I eat or you eat." Shez says, taking back the sandwich.
  "There's BIG difference!" Arval doesn't agree. This young man is so rude that deserves more kicks when he faint next time.
  The boiling sound stops their arguing, Shez opens the lid, the warm air with rich smell spreads. He checked the taste of milky soup with a spoon, nodding to approve, then take out two bowls. 
  "Are you that hungry?" Arval watches him filling the bowls with fish soup, didn't he just finish a sandwich? 
  Shez didn't answer, but after both bowls are full with hot soup, he put one bowl in front of Arval.
  " I cook yours too." Shez says, then turn his head aside. Arval loses for words for a second, and burst into soft laughter when seeing the ears under Shez's purple hair gradually burning into red.
  " You really do care about me, huh?" Arval now has a big smile on the face. Shez mumbles in regret. 

  They stay in the kitchen for a while, slowing finishs the soup that belongs to Shez. And another bowl of soup that belongs to Arval, is reserved for Arval's partner in destiny. 
  "Anyway, it's no difference whether I eat or you eat." Arval says, and he can enjoy this joke for quite a long time.


  Thanks for Log letting me have the chance writing Arval and Shez, I really enjoy writing them. And Log gave me a bigger surprise when asking me if it's OK to create a fandom book based on this article. Hope you enjoy Log's wonderful book, and hope this article translated by my lame English is not so hard to read haha.
  Thank you for the support. 

